contoh kalimat bom h
- Yet the research for the Soviet analogue of "classical super" continued until December 1953, when the researchers were reallocated to a new project working on what later became a true H-bomb design, based on radiation implosion.
Namun, penelitian untuk "super klasik" analog Soviet terus berlanjut hingga November tahun 1953 ketika para peneliti tersebut dialokasikan untuk mengerjakan proyek yang kemudian menjadi desain bom H, berdasarkan implosi radiasi. - Comparing the timelines of H-bomb development, some researchers came to the conclusion that the Soviets had a gap in access to classified information regarding the H-bomb at least between late 1950 and some time in 1953.
Membandingkan jadwal pengembangan bom H, beberapa peneliti mendapat kesimpulan bahwa Soviet mengalami gap akses untuk informasi rahasia mengenai bom H setidaknya antara akhir tahun 1950 dan suatu waktu pada tahun 1953. - Comparing the timelines of H-bomb development, some researchers came to the conclusion that the Soviets had a gap in access to classified information regarding the H-bomb at least between late 1950 and some time in 1953.
Membandingkan jadwal pengembangan bom H, beberapa peneliti mendapat kesimpulan bahwa Soviet mengalami gap akses untuk informasi rahasia mengenai bom H setidaknya antara akhir tahun 1950 dan suatu waktu pada tahun 1953.